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John Pearson Associates

Issue No. 3 of Your Weekly Staff Meeting highlights the perfect book (55 nifty nuggets) to have on hand for those times when you need to inspire your team, but you’ve run out of ideas. At your staff meeting this week, be sure to reinforce the value that leaders are readers.

Borrow from everyone! Dorothy L. Sayers once said, “I always have a quotation for everything – it saves original thinking.” (Borrow more quotations from Bob Kelly at



Rule 16: Read Books
Rule 7: Find Good Bosses
Rule 51: Accept Politics

Rule 9 is the pragmatic title of Tom Markert’s book, You Can’t Win a Fight With
Your Boss & 55 Other Rules for Success.  Figure out the “emotional elasticity” of your boss, he warns.  “Once you cross that line you can never come back—regardless of whether or not you were right.”

Rule 16: Read Books.  “A wise man once told me that it is easy to become an expert
on almost any topic. He said all you have to do is read five books on any subject
and bang, you know it all.  In general, it is pretty good, albeit simple, advice.”
Markert recommends that growing managers read any business-oriented book that makes the New York Times best-seller list.

Your Weekly Staff Meeting Questions:

1. Ask your boss (or department manager) to clarify the difference between healthy discussion and debate—versus escalating debate into a fight.
2. Describe a new insight from a recent business-oriented book you’ve read this year.




Insights from the Management Buckets Workshop Experience

Sooner or later, a crisis will nail you. It could be external, like 9/11 or Hurricane Katrina, or internal like a moral failure, a nasty termination, embezzlement, lawsuits, inaccurate media reporting, death or a financial crisis. So it’s prudent to address The Crisis Bucket up front. Be prepared. World Vision ( has an “Emergency Response and Disaster Mitigation” (ERDM) team. Randy Strash is their strategy director. Read the interview with him in the August 2005 issue of Christian Management Report, “We’ve Got an Emergency: Essential Lessons Every Manager Needs to Learn Before a Crisis Hits.” It’s the inside story of how WV responded to the tsunami disaster.

Click Here to Read the Article.

In our Management Buckets Workshop Experience, we address The Crisis Bucket with detailed implementation strategies.

Your Weekly Staff Meeting Questions:

1. Do a drill. Evacuate your building during your staff meeting this week—and conduct a crisis preparedness audit on your front lawn.
2. Should we appoint a Crisis Coordinator today?
3. Create a list of “10 Most Likely Crises to Hit Our Organization” and give yourself a grade (A, B, C, D, F) for your crisis/disaster preparedness.

Download the Management Buckets brochure

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